June 8, 2010

Organic Fruits from the Dirty Dozen

Every year the Environmental Working Group tracks pesticide use on fruits and veggies, then compiles a list of the worst offenders, calling them the Dirty Dozen. They also share the Clean 15, which have the lowest pesticide concentration. You can find it here if you're interested (there is a Get the Guide Here link to click if you don't want to sign up). While it varies from year to year, stone fruits typically top the list, so it's good to make a point of always buying them organic. Stone fruits are those with hard pits, like peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, even almonds! With that in mind, here it is:

Today's Salad
Red Plums

Tart and tangy from the plum, sweat-sour from the peach, and creamy smooth from the banana. This was a good one!

June 1, 2010

Fruit Salad with a Twist

I was cruising the aisles at Whole Foods today and discovered a new fruit, the Aprium. I pretty much assumed these little gems would be a lot like the Pluots I ate all the time in California since they are both hybrids of the apricot and plum. Turns out they have different names because they are quite different kinds of fruit. While the pluot is like a tart plum, the aprium seems to be more like a regular apricot except without the fuzzy skin. Tasty! With that as my starting point, here it is...

Today's Fruit Salad

This is just the right blend of sweet and tart. You can see from my previous posts that I'm really enjoying strawberry season. And with a fresh new salad every day, they get a chance to shine in different ways.